Homemade Almond Milk Yogurt (Gluten Free, Paleo, Vegan)

almond milk yogurt with cut strawberries on top

Is your dairy-free family obsessed with yogurt like mine? This homemade almond milk yogurt recipe is a delicious, affordable option if you and your family love yogurt but are vegan or can’t tolerate dairy products.

Years ago, I made a gallon of homemade cow’s yogurt at a shot. My kids would gobble it up in a few days. It was simple to make and the control over each ingredient made me happy.

Fast forward a few years. We discovered milk caused tummy aches, diarrhea, and heartburn in my kids. It was heartbreaking. My kids loved milk and yogurt! But the cost of non-dairy yogurt was a hard pill to swallow. The way my kids eat yogurt, they kick a pint size yogurt container each by 10am.

I experimented with making my own almond milk yogurt. It was a rough road: Lots of failed yogurt batches and disappointed little kids when a batch didn’t pan out. We made the best of it.

Here are 3 lessons I had to learn the hard way. Don’t make the same mistakes. Let’s save you time, money and frustration.

1. You Must Use Homemade Almond Milk

I have attempted to make yogurt with several varieties of store-bought almond milk. I used the same process I used to make regular cow’s milk yogurt – FAIL! Each and EVERY time.

Then I realized the process was different for almond milk yogurt. So, I tried a bunch of “no-fail” almond milk recipes. Still a fail!

The problem? I did not follow those recipes exactly. I used store-bought almond milk instead of making my own. Anything but homemade almond milk will not work! I’ve tried many brands several times. No exceptions.

I assume the additives in the store bought almond milk mess with the culturing process. I’ve added thickeners and gotten thickened milk, but it didn’t taste or smell like yogurt. The cultures never survived, and sometimes bad mold took over with a pink haze over the top of my yogurt. (If you get that, throw it out!)

Making your own almond milk does take a little more time, but it’s easier than you think it is.

2. You Need to Use a Thickener

Almond milk yogurt, like most non-dairy yogurts, needs a thickener, otherwise it will be very runny.

If you’ve made cow’s milk yogurt, you know it firms up, but not like a cup of store-bought, commercial yogurt, which is full of thickeners. Almond milk yogurt will be even more runny. This is great for use in smoothies, but not yogurt.

I know it’s frustrating when you’re trying to avoid additives right!? We’re going to look at some healthy thickeners options to solve the problem.

3. You Cannot Reuse Your Yogurt Culture

I read about people reusing the almond milk yogurt culture. I’d love to smell their yogurt to see if it has that distinct yogurt smell. I imagine it is just thickened milk. Yogurt should be tangy.

Make sure you use a new culture each time for almond milk yogurt. Yogurt starter culture produces the most consistent yogurt results.

I’ve heard success stories using a high quality probiotic capsule. I prefer the starter culture. I know it contains cultures specifically found in yogurt. The preference is yours.

The US government requires Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophiles in yogurt. Look out for a probiotic with those strains. (Source: FDA)

I found the FDA regulation below during my research. I had to share, it made me laugh. And shake my head.

“Shall possess a firm, custard-like body with a smooth, homogeneous texture. A spoonful of yogurt should maintain its form without displaying sharp edges.”

(Source: FDA)

Sharp edges…. Really?!?!

Since you don’t want sharp edges in your yogurt either, let’s talk thickeners. Get your yogurt to the perfect texture.

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Thickeners for Almond Milk Yogurt

Thickeners can be tricky. I’ve done a lot of experimentation with almond milk yogurt thickeners. More than I’d care to admit.

Some thickeners were okay, others were a flop. Texture and thickness were the biggest issues. You want something smooth, not grainy.

I’m sure you have a preference on your yogurt thickness too. Your preference might not jive with others in your home. I like a thicker yogurt, my 6-year-old loves when it is a runny mess. He’s always rooting for me to mess something up.

I make our yogurt fairly thick and whisk his a little to get the consistency he likes.

Here are the 3 thickeners I use in my yogurt.

Arrowroot Flour

Homemade almond milk yogurt has the tendency to separate. Arrowroot flour is great to thicken the yogurt and keep the yogurt from separating. So disappointing when you end up with a watery mess on the bottom and a custard like yogurt on top.

You’ve got to keep the milk evenly dispersed.

Cornstarch can be used as a substitute.


This is my favorite way to thicken my yogurt. I use 100% grass-fed gelatin from animals raised sustainably on pasture. I’m sneaking a healthy food in for my kids to eat without them knowing. It works great and has a consistent texture.

If you’re vegan, you can swap it out for agar agar, but agar agar is a stronger thickener, so I use 1 teaspoon for every Tablespoon of gelatin. Make sure you’re using powdered agar agar instead of the flakes.

Interested in more information about thickeners? Check out Cultures for Health’s thickeners resource.

Sunflower Lecithin

Homemade almond milk will separate. I use sunflower lecithin to keep the milk from separating if I’m making almond milk. You do not need to add lecithin if you are making your almond milk into yogurt.

Add 1 teaspoon of sunflower lecithin per 4 cups of almond milk. I add the sunflower lecithin once I strain the milk. A quick blend in the mixer does the trick.

I struggled with breastfeeding my 4th child. Sunflower lecithin capsules saved my breastfeeding experience. It magically unclogs your milk ducts, which saved me from lots of struggle and pain. I hope it does for you, too.

Now, let’s make some almond milk yogurt…

almond milk yogurt with cut strawberries on top
4.35 from 20 votes

Homemade Almond Milk Yogurt

Shannon O’Neill – Natural Soap Mom
This homemade almond milk yogurt recipe is a delicious, affordable option if you and your family love yogurt but are vegan or can’t tolerate dairy products.
CourseBreakfast, Dessert
CuisineFermented, GAPS, Gluten Free, Paleo, Vegan
Makes4 cups
Prep Time 1 hour
Fermenting Time 8 hours
Total Time 9 hours
This recipe may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.



Soak Your Almonds

  • Pour 1 cup of raw almonds into a liquid measuring cup and cover with filtered water. Fill measuring cup with water to the 2 cups line.
  • Let it sit in the fridge overnight.

Make Almond Milk

  • In the morning rinse and drain your almonds.
  • Pour your soaked, rinsed and drained almonds into a blender and add 4 cups of purified water. I use a Vitamix. Blend for a few minutes until they are well pulverized. If your blender has less power, make sure to pulverize the almonds for a few minutes.
  • Pour the milk mixture into a nut milk bag to strain out almond pulp.
  • Let the bag drain and gently squeeze the bag 15 minutes later. Remove as much milk as possible.
    homemade almond milk yogurt dripping over a pot
  • Reuse the almond pulp by baking it in the oven at 200 for 3-4 hours until it’s hard. Then grind it up and add the powder to baked goods or homemade granola. There’s no waste and it adds some extra protein.

Sterilize Your Equipment

  • Sterilize the equipment you’ll be making your yogurt in, including spoons and the container you will incubate the yogurt in. You can get mold if your equipment is not sterilized. Save yourself from a failed yogurt batch.
  • Pour boiling water over your equipment before using it. I boil water in my tea kettle to make pouring easy. Or you can run your equipment through the dishwasher.

Heat the Milk

  • Add enough water to your almond milk to equal 4 cups.
  • Pour your milk into a saucepan. Reserve 1 cup of almond milk in a separate bowl.
  • Mix 2 tablespoons of arrowroot powder into the bowl of 1 cup of milk. Whisk with a fork until incorporated.
  • Heat the milk until it begins to bubble, simmer and thicken. This will sterilize your milk and prevent bad bacteria from cultivating.
  • Pour the arrowroot mixture and 1/8 cup of sugar into the saucepan. Continue to whisk over heat for 5 minutes. Stay with it: It can boil over very quickly.
  • Remove from the heat and watch your temperature as it decreases. You’ll need a candy thermometer for this.

Add Your Culture & Make Yogurt

  • Once your milk has reached 110 degrees F, you are safe to add your culture. Anywhere between 100 and 110 degrees is the sweet spot.
    spoonful of homemade almond milk yogurt from a jar
  • Incubate your yogurt at 110 degrees for 6–24 hours, depending on how tart you like it. The longer you incubate it, the more tart it will become. I incubate for 8 hours.
  • Here are some common ways to incubate your yogurt:
    – In the oven with an oven light on
    – On a heating blanket on low setting with towels
    – In a pressure cooker if you have a yogurt setting
    – Proof setting on your oven if you have the setting
    A quick search will give you more incubation ideas. Find the best method for you.
  • After incubation, refrigerate your yogurt overnight. It will take some time to set. 
  • Add flavoring by stirring in a bit of fruit or jam until combined.


Serving: 1cupCalories: 244kcalCarbohydrates: 14gProtein: 11gFat: 18gSaturated Fat: 1gSodium: 20mgPotassium: 252mgFiber: 5gSugar: 1gCalcium: 105mgIron: 1mg

What’s your favorite way to enjoy your homemade yogurt? I’d love to hear from you in the comments below.

Updated February 3, 2020.


99 thoughts on “Homemade Almond Milk Yogurt (Gluten Free, Paleo, Vegan)”

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  1. I make 1/2 gallon of this in my instant pot every week! The consistency and taste are great. I use the beef gelatin powder and just whisk into the almond milk before it heats, so it doesn’t clump. Someone was concerned about carbs in arrowroot, but based on the recipe, the arrowroot only adds about 3.5 carbs to a cup of yogurt. I also add 2 TBS of Pyure instead of sugar. I am not sure that the calorie count is accurate since homemade almond milk is about 115 calories per cup. Can you explain the calories?

  2. Sometimes we don’t eat the yogurt soon enough and I am afraid it will go bad. Can I freeze the home made almond milk yogurt without killing the probiotics?

    1. Freezing yogurt will likely only kill some of the probiotics. It’s common for them to go dormant until thawed.

  3. Update: I experimented with agar agar flakes instead of powder because it was all I had on hand and they worked just as well to thicken the yogurt.
    Also, I doubled the recipe and it was successful! Not as thick as usual so I’ll probably increase the thickeners a bit next time but still the yummy creamy goodness we’ve been eating. (I used agar agar flakes instead of gelatin and arrowroot powder instead of cornstarch)
    Thank you so much for this recipe! I absolutely love it!

  4. 4 stars
    I have tried making yogurt four times before. It came out too thin or too thick or tasting like cornstarch. This yogurt came out great. It has a nice tangy flavor. I did not use any sugar. This recipe is a keeper!

  5. Hello, I bought agar agar flakes, for a different yogurt recipe that did not work. What will happen if I use the flakes? Will the yogurt ruin? Can I run the agar agar flakes through the blender to powder them perhaps? Thank you

  6. Why do you need to heat almond milk since it is not a dairy product?

    I make almond milk with almond flour, and it is never grainy…does it have to be strained?

    Thanks in advance

    1. You boil the almond milk to (1) sterilize it and (2) [if you use agar agar] heating
      helps the agar agar dissolve and set.

  7. Yes! I was successful. I woke up like a kid on Christmas morning to see if it solidified in the fridge overnight. I want to add below a cost effective modification that worked for me and some other additional notes. It tastes GREAT! Thanks for including al your helpful notes.

    Modifications + notes:

    1. I used almond milk made from almond flour (Blue Diamond, https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07L9Q45HG/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1). I was concerned it might have additives that would prevent the microbes from fermenting, but it didn’t yay! (You just blend 1 cup almond flour per 5 cups water with a bit of salt and 2 dates – I blended in my vitamix for >1 minute and strained through a metal strainer and basically nothing gets caught on the strainger, the yogurt has a grit so maybe use cheese cloth if you don’t like this but doesn’t bother me – but I don’t normally have texture problems).

    2. I used dates to sweeten the almond milk rather than adding the 1/8 cup

    3. I used gelatin and cornstarch

    4. I used leftover whey from my batch of yogurt with regular milk as the starter (I incubated this cow milk yogurt for 24 hrs so there was very little lactose, if you incubate >19hrs there will be little lactose in cow milk yogurt)

    5. It is basically liquid when you put it into the fridge after fermenting/incubating, but it solidifies in the cold 😀

    6. I used my instant pot/pressure cooker for the boil and incubation

  8. Hi- can I miss the arrowroot out and only use gelatin? I have Sibo and I’m pretty sure arrowroot isn’t allowed (not much is!) thank you 🙂

  9. Hi!

    My question is regarding the calorie count. Almond milk is way less per cup. Where are the other calories coming from?

  10. Hi, You mention sugar at some point but neither the last of ingredients nor the instructions tells how much and when to add it. Appreciate the recipe as I have had my failed attempts at almond yougurt!

    1. Avatar photo

      Hi Allison!

      The recipe will be updated shortly. You should add 1/8 cup (2 Tablespoons) of sugar when you add your thickener and are heating the milk.

      Would love to hear how it works out for you!!

    1. Avatar photo

      Hi Becky!
      You could give it a try. I have not used it, but it’s a good thickener. So I can’t vouch for how it will turn out but might be a good experiment for me to try at home!

    2. Tapioca starch can be a bit ‘ropey’ from my experience. Might do well mixed with another starch, like corn, etc.

  11. How do you avoid the clumps of gelatin? Even when I whisk it in the warm milk, I still get a few clumps.

    1. Avatar photo

      Hi Joy!
      I agree with Dawn, an immersion blender is a great idea. I might have to try my hand with this on our next batch. Might save me some mixing.

  12. The recipie notes say equal amounts of Agar agar to the Gelitan. 1Tbsp in the actual recipie it say 1Tbsp. Gelitan but 1 tsp of agar agar. Which is correct?

    1. Agar agar creates a firmer texture with less product. So the recipe of 1 TBSP gelatin to 1 tsp agar agar is correct.
      Hope this helps!

  13. Hello! I’m so excited I stumbled upon your recipe. It was super easy and tastes great. I had to refrigerate mine before I could cook it, and it still turned out. I’m just amazed. My only question is this: the consistency is more like curdled milk than yogurt and all the blending in the world isn’t changing it. Did I do something wrong? Is it because I had to refrigerate first? Is this just the way it’s going to be? Please help!

    1. Hi Becky!
      I have not refrigerated it like you did, so I would assume that is likely the cause.
      All the best

  14. Can you please answer the comment questions regarding the sugar? You don’t list it in the recipe but say it’s necessary for the cultures to feed on. How much and when do you add it?

  15. I am not a vegan but do have some dairy issues. I’m sensitive to milk but not yogurt. Go figure. So my question is this: can I use a mother milk yogurt culture without a thickener? I would guess I would have to add some type of carbohydrates as there isn’t as much in almond milk as in whole dairy milk. I already make a weekly batch of milk yogurt but would love to try it with homemade almond milk. Thank you for your thoughts!

    1. Plant milks do not thicken up well at all without the assistance of gelatin, agar agar or some other thickener. The culture alone is not enough.

  16. 5 stars
    This recipe is amazing!! My daughter can’t eat dairy so when I finally gave her this yogurt she loved it! Making it again for sure! It’s perfect! Can this almond milk be frozen? And if it can, for how long? Can it be frozen when agar agar and aru powder are added or before? So I can just pop it out of the freezer when I need to add yogurt starter. The rate my daughter is eating it i would have to make almond milk every day ?

    1. Hi Danijela!
      That’s a great question!! I have not yet frozen it to re-use. We just kept soaking almonds in the fridge and blended them when we needed them. They were ok for a few days and my kids go through yogurt like it’s no ones business.

      I’d recommend freezing before adding any additives so you don’t have a failed batch but feel free to experiment.


  17. 5 stars
    Looks much the same as other recipes. Other similar ones have failed me. Sometimes I have to add an additional packet of vegan culture and re-incubate another 12 hours.

    HOWEVER, I’ll give this one a shot.

    I use an Anova precision sous vide immersion circulator set to 111°F, and a mason jar. If you use a 12 quart tub, it’s perfect for multiple batches at once. I place the filled jars in the cooker, just snug the band and lid, then fill the tub with warm tap water to the bottom-most thread or top of the shoulder of the jar. The temperature can be precisely set and will hold it to within +/- 1/2°F.

    I thicken mine with maltodextrin (or Ultratex III – concentrated 3x maltodextrin – from Modernist Pantry et al). It’s made from highly refined tapioca starch, leaves no texture or taste and dissolves 100% in water unlike other thickeners) and its cheap! I also add a tsp of sugar to feed the bugs.

    What I plan on doing is doubling the almonds while using the same amount of water for a more concentrated milk base.

    Thanks for posting this VERY informative and well researched recipe. Dave

    1. Hi Dave!
      Thanks for YOUR well informed reply. I hop the recipe worked well for you. I did find that when I tried to double the batch, it didn’t always come out right. So I’d stick to a single batch but making a more concentrated milk is a great idea.


  18. I am curious if one can add the almond pulp to Te yogurt for additional texture and protein and when would be the best time to do this?

    1. Hi Barabara!
      I wouldn’t reccomend doing that. But if you would like additional texture, you could lightly toast the pulp in the oven and add it to the finished yogurt when you’re eating it. We make granola using the pulp so there’s less waste.

    1. Hi Jane!
      So sorry to hear you had a failed batch. The skins should not be the issue. Hopefully you try again. Hopefully 2nd time it will be a success.

  19. Hi there!

    I had a lot of fun using your recipe, and got out a nice sour product that I would not exactly call yogurt.

    I had to use agar, as I’m vegetarian. The yogurt came out too stiff; it wouldn’t run even if you mixed it a ton. It also was not nearly creamy enough; it just tasted like sour water.

    I’m going to try again without diluting the almond milk as much when I blend it, and I will either skip the agar or use significantly less. I hope this will help!

    Also, another idea for moderating temperature that seemed to work for me: I have an articulated reading lamp that gets very hot. I put the base on top of the microwave and hung the light down into the microwave. With the microwave door mostly closed, it got pretty warm in there! Gave me sour, sour yogurt! (Approximately 12 hours)

    Thanks 🙂

    1. Hi Katy!

      Wow sounds like you got some mixed results huh? Agar agar should be used at a lower ratio then gelatin. Gelatin is 1 TBSP while agar agar is 1 tsp. So 1/3. That may have been your issue.

      Gelatin will produce a creamier texture then agar agar, but keep trying.

      Love your incubation method for the microwave. Genius!!

  20. Avatar photo
    JaNae Saltzgiver

    3 stars
    I made this following your instructions and using cornstarch instead of arrowroot and agar agar instead of gelatin. It turned out WAY too thick! I then read online that agar agar should be substituted about 1/8 that of gelatin because it is so strong! I’d revise that portion of the recipe for figure knowledge.

    1. Hi JaNae!
      Agar agar is a stronger thickener. I’d recommend 1 tsp agar agar vs 1 TBSP gelatin. So 1/3 of the amount. I bet that caused the thickening problem. Yes – the recipe has been updated. Thank you!!

  21. Avatar photo

    5 stars
    Hi Shannon,
    I loved your explanation of the why, why not and how many times you have tried. It has happened the same to me. I thought I was going to give up for ever trying to make almond-milk yogurt. To add an information, I have just found cultures to make non-dairy yogurt in a shop for vegetarians/vegan people (these are different bacteria than those for dairy). I tried with this kind of culture and it was really good, except for the thickening part. I got some really good areas but when stirring the yogurt, they become more liquid.

    So my question for you is: Can I skip the arrowroot ingredient? is it enough with the gelatin? Arrowroot has too many carbs for the Keto diet. I tried with the Xanthan gum (dissolved in 1/2 spoon of Coconut oil to avoid granules or lumps) and it was OK but not perfect. What do you think? Thank you!

    1. Hi Lucia!!

      Thanks for the thoughtful comment. Sounds like you’ve been working on homemade yogurt for a while too! I think the gelatin would be enough if you are ok with a thinner yogurt. I would try it and see the results. Worst case scenario, you add it to smoothies. You could also try adding extra gelatin. I wouldn’t double it, but play with the amount a little.

      Check back – I’d love to hear your results 🙂

    2. Hi Lucia!
      That’s a great question. I’d recommend experimenting. I would try to add a little extra gelatin in place of the cornstarch and go from there. If it’s too runny, you have something to make smoothies with 🙂

  22. Hi Shannon

    I’ve made yogurt in my yogurt maker in the past but always using dairy milk. I’ve since found out that my body can tolerate so much , so i’ve been using my own homemade nut milks for some months now ns exactly, apart from having to guess the temperature when cooling as I don’t have a thermometer. I’ve just looked after leaving it for 14 am so disappointed, it’s the same consistency as it was when I poured it in! I’ve left it in the fridge overnight and its still as runny………. Any thoughts??
    Many thanks, Deborah

    1. Hi Deborah!

      How frustrating! Been there and I completely understand.

      The temperature effects the yogurt culturing and we add thickeners because it won’t really thicken plant based milks. If you don’t have a thermometer, stick your clean finger in for a second. If it’s about the temperature of your body or a little less, you’re good to go. If it’s too hot, it will kill the culture.

      If it’s not thickening, that’s likely the cornstarch/arrowroot or gelatin/agar agar. Make sure it’s fully dissolved. If it’s clumpy, it didn’t dissolve.

      Good luck!!

  23. Hi Shannon

    I’ve made yogurt in my yogurt maker in the past but always using dairy milk. I’ve since found out that my body can tolerate so much , so i’ve been using my own homemade nut milks for some months now ns exactly, apart from having to guess the temperature when cooling as I don’t have a thermometer. I’ve just looked after leaving it for 14 am so disappointed, it’s the same consistency as it was when I poured it in! Any thoughts??
    Many thanks, Deborah

    1. Nut milk yogurts don’t thicken much without the addition of gelatin or agar agar. They will then thicken up in the fridge after fermenting.

      1. Hi Deborah!

        How frustrating that your yogurt did not turn out!!! I feel your pain. All that work….

        Refrigeration usually sets mine up. But it shouldn’t be runny like that. I wonder if you fully activated the gelatin? It has to heat up, dissolve and start to thicken as you heat it.

        As hard as it is to hear, I’d try again. Pay special attention to dissolving the gelatin and letting the milk slightly thicken as you’re doing that.

        Keep us posted on your progress.


  24. 5 stars
    Hello Shannon,
    I enjoyed the tips and recipe that you gave for the homemade almond milk yogurt. I can appreciate all the work you much have put into getting this right. I had not heard that anyone had managed to make it and I can totally understand that 1) it needs to be made with a yogurt culture and homemade almond milk and 2) some thickening agents (gelatin was my first idea).
    Well Done!

  25. Hey there followed the recipe to the T and it looks like a thick blob before even going into the fridge 🙁 what did i do wrong? I see it says u add 4 cups water to your almond milk is this an additional 4 cups to your already previously made almond milk? I think thats where i could have gone wrong

    1. Hi Phillipa!
      I use 4 cups of almond milk, not to add an extra 4 cups. I’m thinking something was measured incorrectly. But it’s so hard to tell. I would just whisk the milk up to make it more fluid. Please try again! I know it’s frustrating but once you get it – amazing! Thanks for taking the time to comment.

  26. Hi I’ve made this twice. Once with homemade milk and once with store bought milk. Both times the yogurt was a thick blob after fermenting for 6 hours. Any suggestions?

    1. Carolann,
      I prefer a thicker yogurt, so this recipe reflects that. More like store bought yogurt. I’d suggest reducing the thickeners to your liking. And Dawn is spot on – whisk to thin it out a little.

    1. Stevia will not feed the probiotic bacteria, so make sure you have some sugar in there to get the ferment going. If you need it sweeter, add the stevia after fermentation, while mixing.

      1. Avatar photo
        Cassandra Rose Alessandrini

        Hello- I’m making this today and it says in comments to add sugar. When and how much? In the recipe it doesn’t mention adding sugar 🙁 look forward to hearing from you!

  27. I’ve make your recipe quite often and I love it!!! Can you provide the nutritional facts if possible? I’m following the keto diet and this information would be very helpful. Thank you!!!

    1. I suggest running the recipe through your favorite online nutrition calculator. That way you can set it to see the nutrients most important to you.

    2. Christina I’m so glad you enjoy it as much as we do! Dawn pointed you in the right direction on the nutritional facts – go you for doing the deto diet!!

  28. Avatar photo
    Laura Chapman

    5 stars
    This yogurt is absolutely wonderful! It was kind of a thrash to make the almond milk and then the yogurt but it is so tasty it’s definitely worth the extra effort. My only substitution was using 1 teaspoon of Super Agar in place of the 1 tablespoon of agar agar. I will certainly be making this again. Thank you for sharing your method.

    1. Laura I’m so glad you enjoy it!!! Thanks for sharing that super agar worked for you. Helpful to others trying the recipe 🙂

  29. Hey! Just made your recipe! It was my first time making yogurt ever and it turned out awesome! Thank you so much! I just have a question though…how long is the yogurt good for in the fridge before it starts going bad? Thanks in advance! 🙂


    1. Hi Catherine!
      I’m so glad to hear it turned out well for you 🙂 Great question! I would keep it for a week or so. It’s fermented, so that should help. I usually don’t have this problem, my kids eat it too fast.

    1. Hi there!
      I think sliced almonds should work, just make sure to use the same amount of almonds. I think whole almonds would be more cost effective, but I understand it’s what we have on hand. Hope you enjoy the recipe!

  30. Avatar photo
    David-Rogeat Joelle


    I have tried the recipe, I followed the recipe strictly using gelatin grass fed, etc.
    But it separated while it was cooling after 8 hours incubation.

    Any suggestion???

    1. Hi David!
      Make sure you are using the sunflower lecithin, it will help with the separation. Just mix to recombine, it’s all good.

  31. I just found you and this recipe and cant wait to try it! Thanks so much for talking all the work out of it for us. I too, have dairy problems and was living on yogurt, that I made by the gallon! I miss it so much. I do have a quick question…when ready to incubate, do you cover your containers first or leave them open?

  32. Hi

    I made the yogurt and let it ferment overnight hoping to get a nice tart result. Instead I got solid yogurt with a rather bland taste. Any suggestions?


    1. Hi Beth!
      Dawn is right, almond milk yogurt will not be tart like regular yogurt. Sorry to hear you were disappointed. If you prefer a bitter taste, some yogurt cultures might produce a more tart result. I can’t say I’ve experimented much with different cultures and their taste though. Good luck!

  33. I am hugely disappointed. I doubled this recipe because I was excited to find a yogurt recipe for a keto diet. My result is thin, it can be drunk from a glass easier than spooned from a dish. And the taste can’t be disguised by any manner of additives. It’s sour, and not in a yogurty good way. I’m very sad…

    1. Not all recipes translate when you double the ingredients, particularly if you are using finicky ingredients like gelatin, agar agar or coconut flour, which need to be carefully adjusted when you make a larger batch. But if your yogurt comes out too runny, even after refrigerating, you can always drip it through a cheesecloth, or add more thickener.

    2. When I made my first batch of this recipe it was a bit too thin for my liking. On my next one I added an extra teaspoon of gelatin and it was perfect for me. I have not tried doubling it, just tweeking what’s already there to my taste.

  34. So excited to try this recipe as all my other recipe attempts have failed.
    Also love that the recipe doesn’t include any refined sugar.
    I would love to add a touch of maple syrup to it though. Would you suggest I add it when heating the milk?
    Thanks so much!

    1. Hi Raj,
      I am not Shannon, but the recipe says to use 1 Tbsp (it says to use 1 tbsp of gelatin or agar agar – since it does not specify another amount of the agar agar, it usually means to use the same). Also, from my experience using agar agar, it makes sense that 1 tbsp should do the job! Should the yogurt for some reason be a bit too watery, you can always strain it until it is thick enough. I do that with my yogurt (so far I have made soy and soy/coconut milk, the latter is just to die for, when I open my pressure cooker, my house smells strongly like vanilla, even if there isn’t any additives in the yogurt or milk. After straining, it is like the most super creamy greek yogurt). I can’t wait to try making a batch with my homemade almond milk.

      I don’t soak the almonds though, I blend around 1 lb at a time into a rough almond meal, then make milk from that, a bit at a time (I usually use 3 heaping/packed tbsp of almond meal and appr 0.7 liter water, as I have 0.7ltr blender bottles, which I like to use for milk. You can soak it for 10-30 min, but with a high speed blender, it is really not necessary. I strain it through a very fine (200 mesh) laboratory sieve since I hate using nutmilk bags (I just stir with a spatula, then push down on it, to let the milk through)… Makes milk making a breeze! ??

      1. Thank you so much for developing this recipe. I am anxious to try this recipe but I have a few questions. I have seen this asked a couple of times before but haven’t seen an answer. How much sugar do I add with the culture? I know it needs sugar to feed the culture however it is not even mentioned in the recipe. I know “sweet” is different for everyone but can you please give a ballpark figure. Also is there a max temp when heating the milk? All it says is heat till bubbles, simmer & thicken but watch closely as it can boil over easily. Am I to continue to boil once it reaches boiling or reduce to simmer and stir till it thickens? Would you please clarify for everyone. Thanks in advance. Have a wonderful week.

        1. Hi Shannon
          I would also love to try your recipe. I haven’t made home made yogurt before and it is very expensive to buy nut yogurt in my country. Please would you clarify the sugar question. I am still unclear on when or if to add sugar. It is not stated in the recipe anywhere regarding adding sugar. Thank you so much. Looking forward to hearing from you!



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