Meal Plans, Customized for YOU

Real Plans Meal Planning App
  • Are you struggling to cook from scratch, or shift to a Paleo, Vegetarian or Allergen-Free diet?
  • Does your nutrition or weight suffer because you are often too busy to make meals from scratch?
  • Do you want to make cooking whole food meals cheaper and faster, with less frustration and food waste?

Not too long ago, I used to show up at the grocery store and wander aimlessly around the aisles looking for inspiration.

Because we were transitioning to a grain-, soy- and dairy-free diet because of food allergies, I had a hard time figuring out what to make, what to buy, and how to make it taste good.

In fact, I wasted a lot of food, and endured a lot of frustrated faces at the dinner table.

At home, my weekly farm box of organic produce would often wilt and spoil before I actually got around to using it, and more often than I’d like to admit, I’d grab everyone and head to Chipotle for dinner.

But these days, I’m easily feeding my family an allergen-free whole food diet. My fridge is full of delicious real food—most of which I cook up on a Sunday so that I just have to reheat it during the week.

None of my food goes to waste, which not only saves me a lot of money, but it really helps the environment too!

Trips to the grocery store are an efficient and organized event, because I show up with a precise list of what I need. I’m in and out without spending money on ingredients I’ll never use.

I’d love to say that I’m just great at being organized and staying on track, but the fact is, I’ve figured out a way to cheat the system…

I discovered meal planning.

Meal planning is the very best way to reduce your stress, time, money, and food waste in the kitchen—especially if you are eating a whole food diet!

And if you are new to cooking from scratch, or starting a special diet like Paleo, Gluten-free, Vegetarian, or GAPS, meal planning is essential if you want to make sure you can stick with it.

But meal plans take time to make every week, especially when you are first learning how to do it. Then, you also have to make good shopping lists for your meal plans, or they just don’t work. And if you are new to a whole food, Paleo, Vegetarian or Gluten-free diet, meal planning can be almost impossible until you get the hang of how to cook from scratch and stock your pantry.

You could struggle with adopting a healthy diet, or simply let someone else do all the planning for you!

Real Plans Makes the Difference!

Whether you are Paleo, Primal, Traditional, Vegetarian, Gluten-Free or Dairy-Free, meal planning is waaaay easier than ever through an awesome, totally customized meal planning app called Real Plans.

Here’s how it works…

YouTube video

Rather than giving you rigid plans of what you should make and eat, with Real Plans you have the flexibility to adjust to your family’s specific and changing needs. Swap out ingredients that you don’t (or can’t) eat, discard dishes you don’t like, or pick recipes based on the stuff you actually have in your house.


You’re left with a REALISTIC plan of what you actually can pull off cooking each week in your own real life.


Don’t want to be told what to eat? Simply clear the entire week and pick your own meals from the Recipe Box and/or import your own favorite recipes!

Beyond planned out meals, you’re also getting a carefully thought-out timeline and shopping list.

The timeline changes with each recipe you add or delete, and tells you when to thaw/soak/prep ingredients and any other tips and tricks you need to know about preparing each dish.


The shopping list categorizes everything based on how you typically shop at a supermarket. (For example, all the produce, spices, and bottled goods are all grouped together.)

You can then check off anything you already have in your kitchen, add anything else you want to your list, and then take it to the store. You can choose to print, email, or open your shopping list on your smart phone.

But How is the Food?

The thousands of recipes that come with Real Plans aren’t fancy or hard-to-prepare. Rather, they are delicious, nutritious, home-style meals that your family will love to eat as much as mine does.

And the best part is that Real Plans also allows you to:

  • instantly choose from a database of recipes that fit your dietary needs, allergies and taste preferences,
  • add and store your own favorite recipes right in the app,
  • modify all recipes by number of servings or ingredients to suit your needs (Having guests?), and
  • generate shopping lists for all the recipes you’ve chosen for the week.

No other meal planning app does that!

Beyond the thousands of recipes that come with Real Plans, they have partnered with some of my favorite food bloggers to bring you even more deliciousness. For only an extra $1 per month each, you can choose to add recipes from:

Nom Nom Paleo – 250+ delicious and fun eats from this award-winning Paleo celeb

Wellness Mama – 500+ simple, homestyle recipes from the world’s favorite wellness blog – grain-free & dairy-free

The Paleo Mom – 250+ recipes from renowned expert in AIP (autoimmune paleo) family-friendly paleo

Nourished Kitchen – 250+ classic dishes from the traditional foods expert – gluten-free and dairy-free options

Autoimmune Paleo – 240+ delicious, inventive recipes for all phases of the Autoimmune Protocol

When it comes to meal planning, it doesn’t get any easier for those with even more restrictive diets due to allergies or other health concerns.

Real Plans allows you to exclude whole food groups (like shellfish or nightshades), and gives you the option to exclude specific ingredients, too. And then… MAGIC! You’re presented with a complete week-long meal plan – totally customized according to your specific dietary preferences.


Already do meal planning? The Real Plans app is a great way to simplify your planning, get out of a food rut or to learn new allergy-friendly dishes to add to your repertoire.

Prefer to cook your family’s favorites again and again throughout the month? Use Real Plans to keep your own recipes organized and your shopping list precise.

Do you cook like a maniac on the weekend and then wing it the rest of the week with leftovers and meals out? You can customize Real Plans regardless of your cooking and eating routines to make your planning and shopping so much more efficient.

And you can get the Real Plans app for as little as $6 a month!

$6 a month could buy you ONE fancy coffee drink OR a month’s worth of nutritious recipes that fit your Paleo, vegetarian, gluten-free, or dairy-free diet—and no more stress at dinnertime!

Not sure if Real Plans is for you? Try it out–they offer a 30-day money-back guarantee, so if you don’t love it, you get a refund in full.

But I’m certain you will!

Click to revolutionize the way you eat!