OK. Here’s the Fine Print Remix. In plain English.
The writers at Small Footprint Family are not doctors. What we do have is professional education and expertise in our respective areas, such as herbalism, food preservation, or organic farming, not to mention a mad passion for research. (More about us.)
We like to really take apart a subject, and look at it from many angles.
Please know that although we do our very best to provide credible, defensible information that might make a difference in your life, this site and it’s articles reflect the author’s personal experience and nothing published here is in any way meant to constitute medical advice, and should not be relied upon to determine dietary changes, a medical diagnosis or courses of treatment.
Any statements or claims about the possible health benefits conferred by any foods or supplements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Ultimately you are response-able for making your own informed decisions about your diet, lifestyle, and healthcare. But where you get your information matters, a lot.
Websites, newsjournals and blogs like Small Footprint Family are SECONDARY sources of information, which is why we provide primary sources and references in our articles whenever possible, usually as links within the text and/or as footnotes at the end of the article. Primary sources of information are original or immediate, and therefore more reliable, and include peer-reviewed studies, scholarly articles, government reports, interview transcripts, and the like.
Print those out and nail your doctor with them.
This site contains referral or affiliate links to products or services we use, enjoy, and recommend. This means Small Footprint Family may earn a small commission if you purchase a product via one of these links.
By linking to the products we have tested and reviewed first-hand, we really hope to make it easy for you to find the ingredients and supplies you need to make those yummy, homemade dishes, or build that compost pile, or make your own household cleaners.
To a great extent, every dollar we spend is a vote for how we want the world to be. Small Footprint Family is all about making sustainable choices, so we are definitely trying to influence your vote!
Comments are moderated.
Feedback and dialogue are encouraged. It’s how we best learn new things and evolve in spirit—when we do it with an open mind and compassionate heart to each other, anyway.
And that’s why we moderate comments.
Trolls* and mean-spirited comments will not be published. Period.
Also, if you publish an anonymous comment, or a comment with an email address that doesn’t work, or a link to a private company, your comment will be considered spam.
* Troll – /trol/ noun. Someone who posts condescending, inflammatory, ad hominem, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as a forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion. I would also include in this definition, people who buzz in for one comment to angrily disagree, but have no sense of the mission, history or audience of the blog, and no intention of staying for a respectful dialogue.
As a policy, Small Footprint Family does not use AI to write its articles or create photos. All the articles here are written by humans who are experts in their field for other humans to enjoy and learn from. We also develop and photograph our own recipes, so you can be sure they were tested.
To the extent possible, we do not allow AI to crawl this site, because we believe that content creators and artists should receive the benefit of their hard work, and not be plagiarized by AI, which seldom links to it’s source.
We encourage responsible use of AI technology, including giving artists, writers and musicians credit for the source material that AI learns and creates from. Because of this, we also encourage healthy skepticism of AI, as the imagery and information it creates is often inaccurate, biased or harmfully unrealistic.
Be safe out there, folks.
P.S. For all you lawyers, FDA/FTC officials and fine-print-liking types, here are the official Terms and Conditions…
Terms and Conditions
By using the Site, you signify your assent to these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree to all of these Terms and Conditions of use, do not use the site. Administrator(s) of SmallFootprintFamily.com may revise and update these Terms and Conditions at any time. Your continued usage of this website indicates that you accept those modifications.
Medical Advice
Small Footprint Family does not provide medical advice and nothing contained herein shall be construed as medical advice. The contents of SmallFootprintFamily.com, such as text, comments, graphics, images, videos and other content contained on this site are for informational purposes only. Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Always consult your personal physician before starting any fitness or exercise program or changing dietary habits. The content of this site is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It is not a substitute for a medical exam, nor does it replace the need for services or counsel provided by medical professionals.
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The use of the Site and the Content is at your own risk. In no event shall the Site, its owners and/or administrators, its suppliers, or any third parties mentioned on the Site be liable for any damages or injuries however caused, occurring during or after modifying any nutritional or lifestyle choices. The Site and Owners/Administrators do not assume any responsibility for any aspect of healthcare administered with the aid of content available on the site. User understands all advice concerning lifestyle and nutrition are for educational purposes only. User understands content contained on this site is not intended as a substitute for personal, professional medical advice, diagnosis and/or treatment.
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Disclosure of Material Connection: In accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising,” please assume the following about links and posts on this site:
– Any/all of the links on smallfootprintfamily.com are affiliate links of which I receive a small commission from sales of certain items.
– As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Disclosure of Material Connection: From time to time we receive products or services for free in the hope that we will mention it on the website. Regardless, we only recommend products or services we use and enjoy personally and believe will be good for Small Footprint readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
The following are companies I affiliate with:
- Amazon.com
- Botanical Interest Seed Company
- Duluth Trading Company
- Gardener’s Supply Company
- GarrettWade
- High Mowing Seed Company
- Lehman’s
- MIGardner Seed Company
- Terrain
- U.S. Wellness Meats
- Vital Choice Seafood
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